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O AKM-u 1 (hrvatski)
About AKM 1 (in English) 
O AKM-u 1 / About AKM 1
Seminar 'Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji: mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture' proizašao je iz ideje o nužnosti otvaranja knjižnica prema srodnim ustanovama kako bi korisnik mogao dobiti što potpuniji, točniji i kompetentniji odgovor na svoj upit jedinstvenim, koherentnim pristupom različitim izvorima podataka. Već danas raspoloživa infromacijska tehnologija omogućuje realizaciju takve ideje. 

Nije više dovoljno, naime, da knjižnice same iznalaze putove u rješavanju najakutnijeg problema: kako transformirati svoje funkcije i osigurati kvalitetu usluga u situaciji naglog tehnološkog skoka u sveopću globalizaciju. Informacijski šok izazvao je potres na trima temeljnim razinama djelovanja knjižnica. Stoga one prvo, moraju redefinirati jedinicu bibliotečne građe, postupke njezina prikupljanja, smještaja i diseminacije; potom iznova konceptualizirati načela i pravila katalogiziranja, formata strojno čitljivog zapisa i koncipiranja modela podataka i, naposljetku, iznova vizualizirati korisnika. (Upravljački, ekonomski, organizacijski, kadrovski i opće sociološki aspekti situacije u kojoj su se našle knjižnice za sada su u našim razmišljanjima ostali po strani.) Zbog složenosti problema i nužnosti multidisciplinarnog pristupa njegovu rješavanju, knjižnice u svijetu traže partnere u srodnim djelatnostima, prvenstveno arhivima i muzejima. Mnoge konferencije, projekti ali i već izgrađene baze podataka naznačuju moguće smjerova razmišljanja i djelovanja. 

Cilj Seminara bio je stoga istražiti teorijske pretpostavke unutar kojih je moguće smjestiti takvo razmišljanje, upoznati se sa suvremenom informacijskom infrastrukturom kao podlogom za njegovo provođenje te na konkretnim situacijama stvaranja informacija u arhivima, knjižnicama i muzejima ispitati razine moguće suradnje. 

Svrha Seminara bila je okupiti stručnjake koji se bave teorijskim postavkama i njihovom primjenom u automatiziranoj obradi i korištenju građe u arhivima, knjižnicama i muzejima, motivirati sudionike da razmjene ideje, znanja i iskustva te utvrditi područja i razine suradnje u stvaranju i pristupu informacijama. 

U dijelu Seminara koji se bavio teorijskim postavkama, o fenomenu kulturne baštine i definiciji jedinice građe središnje predavanje koje je dalo opći ton Seminaru i usmjeravalo naša razmišljanja održao je prof. dr. Ivo Maroević. Dr. Tatjana Aparac, govoreći o temeljnim konceptima, razvoju i problemima informacijske znanosti, ukazala je na konvergenciju disciplina kao nezaobilaznom konceptu u  poimanju okruženja u kojem djelujemo. Dr. Aleksandra Horvat obrazložila je što je zajedničko a što posebno u stručnoj naobrazbi arhivista, bibliotekara i muzeologa, i naglasila izazove koje globalna informacijska infrastruktura postavlja arhivi,a, knjižnicama i muzejima i, sljedno tome, osmišljavanju fakultetskog studija. O korisnicima knjižnica, muzeja i arhiva u informacijskom društvu općenito, a u našoj sredini posebno, govorio je Predrag Pale, osvrnuvši se ujedno i na trenutnu situaciju u knjižnicama u Hrvatskoj i njihovim mogućnostima korištenja suvremene informacijske tehnologije. Jozo Ivanović upoznao nas je s najnovijom arhivskom  teorijom u kojoj je došlo do radikalne promjene u konceptima. O virtualnom umjetničkom djelu, koje je rođeno i živi digitalno, i potrebi novog definiranja odnosa kustosa prema njemu, ali i muzeja kao ustanove koja ga ćzbrinjavać, nimalo slučajno govorio je Tihomir Milovac, kustos Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti. 

Predavanja koja su obradila ulogu Interneta u promjeni organizacije posla i uopće načina življenja, informacijsku infrastrukturu i strukturu CARnet mreže, knjižnice kao članice sustava CARNet te potrebe arhiva, knjižnica i muzeja za informacijskom infrastrukturom održali su Zoran Bekić, Nevenko Bartolinčić, Predrag Vidas i Ružica Vučić. Dr. Maja Jokić govorila je o različitim vrstama elektroničkih izvora informacija te ulozi bibliotekara kao posrednika između izvora i korisnika. Primjenu bibliotečnog standarda, formata UNIMARC za strojno čitljivo katalogiziranje, međunarodne bibliotečne zajednice u muzejskoj djelatnosti za stvaranje baze podataka i ostalih proizvoda (npr. kataloga zbirki) Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt  prikazala je Dubravka Osrečki Jakelić. 

Velika pažnja u organiziranju Seminara bila je posvećena pripremi radionica jer su se upravo unutar radionica trebale ispitati na konkretnim situacijama i primjerima ideje o mogućnosti suradnje arhiva, knjižnica i muzeja. Razmotrena su četiri postupka obrade građe unutar četiri radionice: formalna katalogizacija - voditeljica Mikica Maštrović, sadržajna obrada - voditeljica Žarka Vujić, normativna kontrola - voditeljica Tinka Katić i formati za strojno čitljivo katalogiziranje i razmjenu podataka - voditelj Radovan Vrana. Priređivači su na kraju Seminara izvijestili o radu radionica te iznijeli zaključke i prijedloge daljnje suradnje. 

Zasebno su predstavljeni slijedeći projekti: Jadranka Stojanovski iznijela je rezultate projekta u toku ćNacionalni informacijski sustav knjižnica Hrvatskeć, Markita Franulić i Edin Zvizdić prikazali su projekt ćUmjetnine Hrvatske na Internetuć koji je pokrenuo Muzejski dokumentacijski centar, a Zlatko Mileusnić demonstrirao je proces obrade muzejske građe u Etnografskom muzeju, od snimanja predmeta do bilježenja podataka i pretraživanja. 

Irena Kolbas izradila je mali pojmovnik termina koji se koriste u trima zajednicama kao podlogu našim razgovorima. Vrijedno bi bilo nastaviti sakupljati pojmove i proširivati pojmovnik. 

Uz redovan program, Dragutin Katalenac predstavio je novi broj časopisa Knjižničarstvo: glasnik Društva bibliotekara Slavonije i Baranje, a Ivan Kanič, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana rad na rječniku Biblotekarska terminologija, od kojeg je do sada objavljen pokusni snopić, i međunarodni projekt o višejezičnom (15-jezičnog) rječnika bibliotekarskognazivlja. CARNet je premijerno prikazao promocijski film Tko je čovjek 21. stoljeća. 

Uoči Seminara, 18. studenog, Albert Novak, CARNet Pula, održao je predavanje ćUvod u CARNetć kako bi sudionici Seminara dobili kratak pregled tehnologije Interneta i osnovne informacije o strukturi  Hrvatske akademske istraživačke mreže CARNet. Pored toga, Albert je čitavo vrijeme održavanja Seminara brinuo za mrežu - našu vezu sa svijetom. 

Seminar je bio popraćen izložbom knjiga u nakladi Hrvatskoga bibliotekarskog društva, Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice, Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Naklade Benja, Muzejskoga dokumentacijskog centra i Lange & Springer. Njemački izdavač Lange & Springer izložene je knjige poklonio knjižnicama. 

Živa diskusija tokom predavanja kao i zaključci Radionica potvrdili su izuzetno zanimanje sudionika za obrađene teme i potrebu daljnje suradnje kroz predložene projekte, stvaranje zajedničkih radnih grupa i neformalnu komunikaciju (organiziranje diskusijske liste na web stranici Seminara URL: http.// Također je prihvaćen prijedlog organizatora da se seminar na istu temu održi sljedeće godine, ovaj puta u organizaciji Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva i suorganizaciji Komisije za automatizaciju HBD-a i Muzejskog dokumentacijskog centra. 

I na kraju, željela bih se zahvaliti članovima Programskog odbora i Organizacijskog odbora, predavačima, voditeljima radionica i kolegama koji su ih zajedno s njima pripremali na velikom uloženom trudu, profesionalnom pristupu rješavanju problema, otvorenosti u diskusijama i, uopće,  entuzijazmu u komunikaciji čime su pokrenuli mnoge nove ideje i razmišljanja, i, što je vidljivo iz zaključaka Seminara, uočili potrebu za zajedničkom suradnjom. Posebnu zahvalu sudionicima Seminara koji su svojim nepredvidljivo brojnim odazivom i aktivnim sudjelovanjem u svim oblicima rada učinili ovaj Seminar uspješnim. 

Nadam se da će ovaj zbornik biti prvi u nizu zbornika naših budućih susreta. 

Mirna Willer 

  Izvještaj i zaključci/Report and Conclusions 
1.  Mikica Maštrović: Značenje formalne obrade građe 
 The Meaning of the Descriptive Cataloguing of Materials 
2.  Sofija Klarin: Formalna obrada omeđenih publikacija i elektroničke građe: ISBD(M) i ISBD(ER) 
 The Descriptive Cataloguing of Monographic Publications and Electronic Resources 
3.  Mira Miletić Drder: Formalna obrada kartografske građe 
 The Descriptive Cataloguing of Cartographic Material 
4.  Mirela Slukan: Mogućnosti primjene ISBD(CM) standarda u opisu i sređivanju zbirki karata i nacrta u arhivskim ustanovama 
 Possibilities for Applying the ISBD(CM) Standard in Describing and Organizing Map and Scetch Collections in Arhival Institutions  
5.  Dubravka Osrečki Jakelić: Dosezi obrade muzejske građe na primjeru “Elektroničkog kataloga Stalnog postava Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt” 
 The Results of the Processing of Museum Materials on the Example of “The Electronic Catalogue of the Permanent Exhibit of the Museum for Arts and Crafts” 
6.  Mikica Maštrović: Primjena bibliotečnih standarda na obradu građe iz fonda Grafičke zbirke Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice 
 The Application of Bibliographic Standards to Cataloguing Materials from the Prints and Drawings Collection of the National and University Library 
7.  Mirjana Hurem: Prikaz Opće međunarodne norme za opis arhivskog gradiva 
An Overview of the General International Standard Archival Description 

  Izvještaj i zaključci/Report and Conclusions  
1.  Jadranka Lasić-Lazić: Sadržajna obrada u knjižnici 
   Subject Cataloguing in Libraries 
Boris Zakošek: Karakteristike gradiva i značenje sadržajne obrade     u arhivima 
Collection Characteristics and the Meaning of Subject Cataloguing in Archives 
Žarka Vujić: Možemo li govoriti o sadržajnoj obradi muzejske građe? 
Can We Speak About the Subject cataloguing of Museum Collections 
2.  Irena Kolbas: Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija: opis, propis i     problemi 
 The Universal Decimal Classification: Description, Prescription and Problems  
3.  Aida Slavić: Knjižnična klasifikacija u online sustavima i prevođenje klasifikacijskih oznaka na prirodni jezik 
 Library Classification in On-line Systems and the Need for Translating Classification Numbers into Natural Language 
4.  Dubravka Stančin-Rošić: Predmetna obrada u knjižnicama: razvoj i stanje 
 Subject Cataloguing in Libraries: Development and Current State 
5.  Zdenka Lakić: Predmetno označivanje posebnih vrsta gradiva u arhivskim zbirkama 
 Subject Indexing of Special Types of Collections in Archives Collections 
6.  Snježana Radovanlija Mileusnić: Predmetno označivanje u knjižnici Muzejskog dokumentacijskog centra, Zagreb 
 Subject Indexing in the Library of the Museum Documentation Center in Zagreb 
7.  Aida Slavić: “Metadata” - podaci o podacima i predmetno označivanje Dublinskim osnovnim skupom elemenata metapodataka 
 “Metadata” - Data about Data and Subject Indexing with the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set 
8.  Žarka Vujić: Popis odabrane literature o izradi tezaurusa i relevantni tezaurusi 
A Listing of Selected Literature about the Making of the Thesauruses and the Relevant Thesauruses 
  Izvještaj i zaključci/Report and Conclusions 
1.  Osnovni pojmovi normativne kontrole 
 Basic Concepts of Authority Control 
2.  Međunarodna standardizacija kataložnih postupaka: kronologija 
International Standardization of Cataloguing Procedures: A Chronology 
3.  CoBRA + Author Project 
4.  Struktura normativnih zapisa: konkordanca između GARE, GSARE i ISAAR 
 The Structure of Authority Records: Concordance between GARE, GSARE and ISAAR 
5.  Romano Krauth, Robert Ravnić: Oslonac normativne kontrole: semantičko ili sintaktičko načelo 
The Backbone of Authority Control: The Semantic and Syntactic Principle  

   Izvještaj i zaključci/Report and Conclusions 
1.  Radovan Vrana: Standardi 
2.  Mirna Willer, Jozo Ivanović: Format UNIMARC i struktura dokumenta 
 UNIMARC Format and the Document Structure 
3.  Mladenka Hammer: O mogućoj iskoristivosti bibliografskog standarda UNIMARC za opis arhivske građe 
 About the Possible Usage of the UNIMARC Bibliographical Standard for Descriptions of Archival Collections 
4.  Jozo Ivanović: EAD: Encoded Archival Description 
5.  Mirna Willer: Metapodaci = Metadata  

Mali pojmovnik arhivistike, bibliotekarstva i muzeologije 
A Small Glossary of Terms from Archives, Librarianship and Museology 

Sastavila / Compiled by Irena Kolbas 


 The Seminar entitled “Possibilities for Cooperation in the Environment of the Global Information Infrastructure” came out of the idea that there was a need for libraries to open up toward related institutions so that the user could get as complete, precise and professional answer as possible to his question through a singular, coherent approach to various information sources. The information technology which is available today makes the realization of this idea possible.  

 The point is that it is no longer sufficient for libraries to seek out paths for solving their most acute problem on their own: how to transform its functions and secure its quality of service in a situation of a sudden technological boom into overall globalization. The information shock caused an earthquake on three basic levels of library functioning. Thus, they must first redefine the unit of a library collection, the process by which it is obtained, preserved and disseminated. Moreover, the principles and rules of cataloguing must be reconceptualized and finally, the user must be once again visualized. (Governance, economical, organizational, personnel-related and general sociological aspects of the situation in which libraries have found themselves have so far be left aside in our thinking about these issues).The complexity of the problem and the need for an interdisciplinary approach has lead libraries around the world to seek out partners in related fields, primarily in archives and museums. Many conferences, projects, but also already built data-bases mark possible directions for thinking and working. 

 The goal of the seminar was, therefore, to research the theoretical framework within which we can place such thinking, to get acquainted with the contemporary information infrastructure as a basis for its enactment as well as to investigate into the possible levels of co-operation in concrete situations of information-creation in archives, libraries and museums. 

 The purpose of the seminar was to bring together experts who work with theoretical assumptions and their application in the automatized processing and usage of collections in archives, libraries and museums, to motivate the participants to exchange their ideas, knowledge and experience as well as to recognize the fields and levels in which co-operation is possible in creating and approaching informations. 

 In the part of the seminar which was devoted to theoretical assumptions, the phenomena of cultural heritage and the definition of a collection unit the central lecture, which set the tone for the whole seminar and which pointed our thoughts, was given by prof. Dr. Ivo Maroević. Dr. Tatjana Aparac, in speaking about the basic concepts, development and problems of information science, showed that the convergence of disciplines was an irreplaceable concept in thinking about the environment in which we work. Dr. Aleksandra Horvat explained what is common and what specific in the professional education of archivists, librarians and museologists and underlined the challenges which are posed by the global information infrastructure to archives, libraries and museums and, therefore, to the conceptualization of a faculty studies program. Mr. Predrag Pale spoke about the users of libraries, museums and archives in the information society in general and in our environment specifically, while noting the current situation in Croatian libraries and their capacity to utilize contemporary information technology. Ivanović introduced the newest archives theory with which a radical conceptual change has taken place. The custodian of the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Tihomir Milovac, was in a good position to discuss the virtual art piece, which is born and lives digitally as well as the need for a redefining of the custodians relationship toward it.  

 Zoran Bekić, Nevenko Bartolincic, Predrag Vidas and Ruzica Vucic gave lectures which spoke about the role of the Internet in changing the organization of work and our life-styles in general; the information infrastructure and the structure of the CARNet network; libraries as members of the CARNet system and finally, the need of archives, libraries and museums for an information infrastructure. Dr. Maja Jokic spoke about various forms of electronical sources of information and the role of the librarian as an intermediary between the source and the user. Dubravka Osre;ki Jakelić  analyzed the application of the librarianship standard, the UNIMARC format for computer-readable cataloguing, the international librarianship community in the museum profession for creating data bases and other products of the Museum of Arts and Crafts (e.g. catalogue collections).  

 In the organization of this seminar great attention was paid to preparing workshops since it was precisely within these workshops that the idea of possible co-operation between archives, libraries and museums was to be tested in concrete situations and examples. Four ways of processing collections were analyzed in four workshops: formal cataloguing lead by Mikica MaŠtrović, content analysis lead by ćarka Vujić, normative control lead by Tinka Katić and formats for computer-readable cataloguing and data exchanges lead by Radovan Vrana. The leaders gave reports about the work in the workshops at the end of the seminar, while presenting conclusions and suggestions for further co-operation. 

 The following projects were presented separately: Jadranka Stojanovska presented the results of an ongoing project entitled “The National Information System of the Croatian Libraries”, Markita Franulić and Edin Zvizdić presented the project “Croatian Art on the Internet” which was initiated by the Museum Documentation Centre, while Zlatko Mileusnić demonstrated the method of processing museum collection in the Ethnographic Museum, from the recording of materials to the noting of data and researching. 

 Irena Kolbas developed a small glossary of terms used in the three target communities which served as the base of our discussions. It would be valuable to continue collecting terms and to expand the glossary.  

 Apart from the regular program, Dragutin Katalenac introduced the new number of the magazine Librarianship: The Voice of the Association of Librarians from Slavonia and Baranja, while Ivan Kani;, from the National and University Library in Ljubljana presented a work on the dictionary Libarianship Terminology, from which a small sample was published as well as the international project about the multi-lingual (15 language) dictionary of librarianship terms. CARNet, quite appropriately, showed a promotional movie “Who is the Man of the 21st century”. 

 Just prior to the seminar, on November 18, Albert Novak, from CARNet Pula, gave a lecture “An Introduction into the CARNet” so that participants of the seminar would receive a brief overview of Internet technology and basic information about the structure of the Croatian Academic Research Network CARNet. Apart from this, Albert took care of the net, our link to the world, during the whole period of the seminar.  

 The seminar was accompanied by a book exhibition with the help of the Croatian Library Association, the National and University Library, the Department of Information Science at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, Benja Publishing House, the Museum Documentation Centre and Lange & Springer. The German publisher Lange & Springer donated the exhibited books to the librarians.  

 Live discussions during the lectures as well as the conclusions of the workshops affirmed the extraordinary interest of the participants in the analyzed topics and the need for further co-operation through the suggested projects, the creation of joint working groups and informal communication (the organization of a discussion list on the web page of the URL seminar: http.// The suggestion of the organizer that a seminar on the same topic be organized next year and that it be set up by the Croatian State Archive and the Commission for the Automatization of the HBD and the Museum Documentation Centre was accepted.  

 In the end I would like to thank all the members of the Program Board and Organizational Committee, the lecturers, workshop leaders and their colleagues who helped prepare them for their great efforts, professional approach to solving problems, openness to discussions and generally, their enthusiastic communication with which they spurred on many new ideas and thoughts. As can be seen from the conclusions of the seminar, they also realized the need for joint co-operation. A special thank you to the seminar participants who with their unexpectedly large turn-out and active participation in all forms of work made this seminar successful.  

I hope that his report will be just one of the many reports of our future meetings. 

Mirna Willer  

 Descriptive Cataloguing 
Report and Conclusions 

 Following the introductory presentation by Mikica Maštrović about the meaning of the descriptive cataloguing of material in general, the workshop participants were informed about the presentation of the absent Sofija Klarin about the cataloguing of monographic publications and electronic resources. An outline order of areas and elements of the ISBD(M) and ISBD(ER) was shown. Participants were specially acquainted with certain particularities of the description of electronic resources.  

 Mira Miletić Drder spoke about the descriptive cataloguing of cartographic mateerial by the ISBD(CM) in the National and University Libraryćs Maps and Atlases Collection. Mirela Slukan applied the same standard in describing the fond of the Cartographic Collection of the Croatian State Archive and compared elements of the description of geographical maps and scetches for the possible application of the ISBD(CM) in archival institutions on this type of collection as well. 

 Dubravka Osrečki Jakelić presented the electronic catalogue of the Museum of Arts and Crafts which, along with the textual description of the individual object, also includes a photograph. The UNIMARC format and CDS/ISIS program were used for the description of the museum objects. 

 Mikica Maštrović analyzed the application of bibliographic standards, especially ISBD(NBM) and the UNIMARC format in cataloguing materials from the Prints and Drawings Collection of the National and University Library. 

 Mirjana Hurem introduced the General International Standard Archival Description to the seminar participants, while explaining all the particularities of the description of the archival entities (i.e, the fonds, series, item). 

 We are of the opinion that the goal of the workshop was accomplished and that the existence of common elements of the descriptive cataloguing was established. These are: 

  •  the title of a bibliographic unit, or rather the title of the archival entity and the museum object 
  •  the author, or rather the creator of the fond 
  •  the place of publication, or rather creation 
  •  the date of publication, or rather creation 
  •  the physical description 
  •  the note 
  When considering standardization, the question remains as to what degree it is possible to prescribe the method of recording the mentioned data elements. The description of library material is prescribed by the Rules for the Alphabetical Catalogues by Eva Verona which is based on the international bibliographic standards (ISBD), which is the base for the UNIMARC format. The museum community showed on the example of the Museum for Arts and Crafts, which in its rich fonds contains materials ranging from photographs to sculptures, how it is possible to use one of the mentioned standards of the library community - the UNIMARC format. The example of the descriptive cataloguing in archives points to the existence of common elements in the description of library materials/archival entities. For purposes of further research into the common elements of description it would be good to question the compatibility of ISBD(G) and ISAD(G) in detail. 
  Although the usage of the UNIMARC (and the ISBD which is built in it) for describing archival entities was shown during the workshop Formats for Machine-Readable Cataloguing and the Exchange of Data it is interesting to note this here since it underlines the possibility of recognizing common elements in the description of the most diverse collection, but also in the basic structures of the archival fond, or rather, the library collection. 
  Although we consciously limited ourselves in this workshop to seeking out common elements in the description of library materials/archival entities, it was necessary to mention the problem of intellectual responsibility. We noticed that there were differences in defining the role of the author in librarianship and museology in relation to archival theory where the priority is given to the fondćs creator. 
 Subject Cataloguing 
 Report and Conclusions 
  The workshop was set up in the form of a dialogue between three professions of equal status and because of this it had the character of a sort of working group. Thus, the discussion began with presentations of prepared papers about the meaning of subject cataloguing and collection characteristics in libraries, archives and museums. Already then we recognized the following: 
 Cataloguing (museums) and subject cataloguing (libraries and archives) within the three professions can be differentiated on the basis of the method of processing as well as the number and types of data which are created during the procedure. 
 Next we concentrated on the aids which are most often used in contents processing both in Croatia and the world. The direction of the discussion was set by the following papers: 
 I. Kolbas: The Universal Decimal Classification: Description, Prescription and Problems 
 ć. Vujić: ICONCLASS - An Example of the Iconographic Classification System for the Processing of Topical Subject from the Museumćs Artistic Collections 
 A. Slavić and B. Turkulin: Library Classification in On-line Systems and Translating Classification Numbers into Natural Language 
 D. Stan;in-RoŠIć: Subject Cataloguing in Libraries: Development and Current State 
 Z. Lakić: Subject Indexing of Special Types of Entities in Archival Collections 
 S. Radovanlija-Mileusnić: Subject Cataloguing in the Library of the Museum Documentation Center in Zagreb 
 V. Lalić and others: Problems of Subject Indexing and Retrieval of Video-recordings: The Example of Building a Computer Data Base of Video-recordings for a TV Archive 
 B. ZakoŠek: Thesauruses in the Archival Profession and their Relevance for the Global Information Infrastructure 
 G. Zlodi: Art and Architecture Thesaurus  
 A. Slavić: Subject Cataloguing and the Organization of Knowledge on the Internet 
  All of the presentations as well as the whole discussion showed that the aids we use in cataloguing, or rather subject cataloguing are truly common. However, from the whole list the term Thesaurus stood out. Thus, a controlled dictionary of terms, organized in a hierarchical fashion with the context of each selected term being visible, was recognized as an aid which can solve the terminological problems of all the information professions present at the seminar in Rovinj. Therefore, a decision was made that the initial group will develop a proposal for a joint project which would in the final phase be an overview of the situation of professional processing in libraries, archives and museums in Croatia having as a goal standardization in the field of the global information infrastructure. This project proposal was conceived as the first step which would lead to further discussion about creating a thesaurus of the information professions. The initial group members are: V. Lovrić-Plantić, A. Galić, J. Mokos, B. ZakoŠek, M. Vujić, V. Juri;Ić, “. Vujić and J. Lasić-Lazić. At the same time it was noted that members of this group would serve as a bridge toward their own particular professions and that in this way the appropriate participation of the professions in creating the proposal would be secured. All participants of this workshop will be acquainted with the proposal. 
  Authority Control 
 Report and Conclusions 
  During the workshop a need presented itself for more intense co-operation in the field of developing and using standards for authority control so that the highest possible level of compatibility was secured. In order to achieve this it was necessary for each institution and organization which was responsible for the development, maintenance or application of standards to clearly define that a set of characteristic entities for authority control which could be of interest to others, as well as to manifest its needs in relation to other sources of authority data. It was necessary to also secure some formal form of communication between the interested parties - a working group, initiative or other - in which all of them would be represented. 
  It was also necessary to identify all available sources of authority data, not only within the institutions and organizations which belong to the three communities represented in the workshop, but also in the state institutions, scientific institutions and other possible “deliverers” of authority data. This is especially important if it is possible to receive data about the same entity from different sources. 
  In order to make the usage and exchange of such common authority data functionable it was first necessary to solve two questions. 1. It was necessary to identify and distribute responsibility for the establishment of a ćcommon coreć of authority records depending on the authorized entities as well as to make sure that everyone who took on a certain responsibility was capable of realizing it. 2. Each user of such records will define his own ćadded valueć and the method of usage of records made in this function in the home system. This procedure ought to be simple enough in its application so that users would not meet with greater difficulties than the benefits of this method of usage and maintenance of authority files.  
  Participants of the workshop were not convinced that at this moment enough interest existed for exchanging and harmonizing authority data outside the individual community. Thus, they suggest a questionnaire be sent to the institutions and organizations for whom it is supposed that they could be interested. The questionnaire would: 1. Identify the available sources of authority data, 2. Look into the level of interest of individual organizations and institutions for the exchanges of certain data and their capacity to take on some responsibility in this exchange, 3. Establish the needs, regardless of whether authorized or other (standardized or non-standardized) data bases have been built for their realization, 4. Establish the level of availability of individual sources and possible limitations rising from legal, technical, ownership or organizational limitations, 5. Identify entities which would be the object of authority control, including the grouping of their classes into hierarchical structures, 6. Establish data structures which are used for the authority records on the basis of which standards could be compared as well as other rules which are applied in relation to the structure, content, data value and method of organizing and using authority and other appropriate records. By processing the data which would be accumulated with this questionnaire one could establish who the potential participants of an exchange of authority data would be and what sort of interest and contributions could be expected from them. Depending on the collected responses a model of co-operation could be offered to the interested parties. In doing this special attention should be paid to the home institutions of each of the aforementioned professions as well as institutions which have specialized in the collection, production and processing of data about the possible objects of authority control.  
 Formats for Machine-readable Cataloguing and the Data Exchange 
 Report and Conclusions 
  The workshop about the formats for machine-readable cataloguing and the data exchange had as a goal to analyze the formats which are in use or are planning to be used in archives, libraries, and museums in which we attempted to view them from the perspective their possible usage in the description of the types of material which are preserved in these institutions, the documents life-cycle and the function of machine-readable records. 
  We started by analyzing the standard and standardization in general. Radovan Vrana systematically presented the standardćs definition, their purpose and, which is closely related to this, three basic levels of standardization (rules and regulations, directives and principles, and aids and methods). Furthermore, he briefly described the development and methods of bringing and maintaining standards, while citing a few of the most important institutions which work on standardization. The usability of specific standards (national and international) in certain communities was discussed and the proportionality between the level of standardization and the use of information technology recognized. 
  Mirna Willer presented the UNIMARC format which was the standard format for the machine-readable cataloguing and the exchange of bibliographic data for the international library community and which was also accepted as the national standard. She especially noted three levels of a machine-readable record (the structure of the record - the physical level, content designators for the record as well as the content of the record itself – the data) which is each “highly” standardized by international and national standards which assures communication. For now two complementary formats have been published - UNIMARC for bibliographic data and UNIMARC for authorities, while formats for the classification data and holdings data are in the making. The development of formats for the mentioned type of bibliographic data points to the possibility of developing modular library applications as opposed to applications which are based on a monolithic record in which all this data is recorded linearly. 
  Mladenka Hammer spoke about the potential utility of the UNIMARC format for descriptions of archive collections in an encouraging manner, while basing her overview on ideas which she got in reading room and library of the archive where archivistćs and librarianćs jobs meet, where users look for archive and library materials in one place, and on concrete experience in working with CROLIST which is based on the UNIMARC format. After drawing the conclusion that UNIMARC makes possible the processing of the most varied materials, she spoke about the manner by which UNIMARC approaches these materials and whether this approach suits the structure of the archival fond. After describing in detail the characteristic hierarchical structure of the archival fond and the need for recording horizontal relationships as well, Ms. Hammer concluded that UNIMARC suits the most diverse archival entities materials and the diversity of the archive fonds which was considered one of the main problems in standardizing in the archives, and thus automation in general.  
  Jozo Ivanovic, however, presented to us a different view which dominates the international archival community in relation to standards for machine-readable cataloguing and their technological support. This community is moving toward the SGLM (Standard Generalized Mark-Up Language) standard within which a subset of elements and relations was defined, the so-called EAD.DTD (Encoded Archival Description. Document Type Definition). An important quality of this format, in which one can see its advantage for the archival community, is that it codes contextual information (finding aids) and not just documents. J. Ivanović compared the SGLM and MARC (USMARC) format of the library community forming the conclusion that the SGLM was a more modern format which better suited for the recording and transmission of data in the contemporary surroundings of information technology. 
  In the end M. Willer briefly mention “the irreplaceable in any discussion” term ćmetadatać and in her paper gave the basic bibliographic references - addresses (URL - Universal Resource Locator) on which one can find information about different formats of metadata. She specially mentioned addresses at which the relevance of metadata for the librarianship and other related professions is discussed. 
  • There is a high degree of compatibility between the EAD.DTD format and the SGML and MARC formats in many segments which is the basis for the possible conversion (translation) of most data 
  •  The comparison of formats showed the technological basis which was available at the time each format wasdeveloped. Therefore, the need was recognized for adopting, for example the MARC format, to the newly created technological environment both in relation to the type of document which is described and transferred (e.g. electronic magazine) and in relation to a users approach to the documents. 
  • Formats have to be open toward new technological possibilities and have to maximally utilize that which exists or is developing outside our communities since we are a part of the world. 
  •  The experience of using the SGLM shows that a great need for local adaptations exists, that is defining the user applications. 
  •  Standards must be respected! 
  •  And finally: all participants in the workshop stressed the need for the continued exchange of experience and information about the development of individual standards and their application as well as the need for initiating a discussion list as the start for future (institutionalized) co-operation.